HK Zoological and Botanical Garden Visit


這個星期三,Imperial 的小朋友和老師一起參觀香港動植物公園!他們看到了好多超級可愛的動物,就像是走進了一個童話世界!有不同種類的烏龜、猿猴、鸚鵡,牠們在那裡悠閒自在地生活著。



HK Zoological and Botanical Garden Visit 

This Wednesday, Imperial children and teachers visited the Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens! They saw so many adorable animals . They were like stepping into a fairy tale world! There were different types of turtles , monkeys and gorillas , and parrots , all living leisurely in their habitats. 

Not only that, but they also got to enjoy a wide variety of beautiful and colourful plants! There were vibrant flowers  and tall, majestic trees . It felt like being immersed in a garden filled with a rainbow of colours!

They had a fantastic time at the garden. They listened to stories , enjoyed snacks , and learned many new English words as well as interesting facts about animals and plants!