Imperial Academy

"Education is not just something for children. It is the way in which we express our hope for the future"  - Jerome Bruner

International Education Made Local 
Learning is an experience 

Imperial Academy, founded in 2010, believes that all children are capable individuals with great potential that blossoms at early ages. We provide a wide range of after-school classes and activities aiming to facilitate children's Multiple Intelligence development. We emphasize the role of the learning environment and the different ways that children express themselves which matches with Reggio Emilia Approach. We aim at providing children in Asia an enjoyable and enlightening journey towards English Language acquisition and developing a lifelong appetite for knowledge. Our learning centre has been based in a district with both top and well known local and international schools in Hong Kong for over 10 years.



We are committed to developing a unique way of education with the integration of different wisdom by engaging the community in our pedagogy in order to nurture children to be competent, compassionate, self-motivated and aesthetic global citizens. 



Our mission is to 
- Promote children's rights in education
- Create strength of connection within community and surroundings
- Provide a safe, supportive, aesthetic and borderless learning environment 
- Nurture multiple intelligence development reaching children's full potential 



自2010年起,Imperial Academy 一直深信每位孩子都是有能力的個體, 擁有無限潛能。透過提供各式各樣的課餘班及活動,Imperial Academy 幫助孩子在幼兒初期得以發揮他們的才能和潛能,在未來發亮發光

